The nice looking box with a green background header depicts your e-delivered software.
Support Start and End Dates. 21 character Product key; Paperworks in this case, however could/would also be PDF Pro Office too. Version so you know exactly what you purchased, Key type, Class = number of seats. 1,5,10,20, 250 plus. It means that one product key will unlock X amount of the software you purchased.
Product Key Details Support Starts: 03/23/11 Support Ends: 09/22/12 |
Product | eCopy PaperWorks |
Version | 2009 |
Key Type | Full |
Class | 1 Seat |
Support Years | 1 |
Key Activated | No |
Activation Date | 30 days or less activate |
Device ID  | Not currently activated on any device |
When 5thNK sends you the above information, we 100% of the time register your software. We send you the following...
You do not need to register your software 5thNK has done so already.
Thank you for becoming a customer of 5thNK, pronounced 5th and K. We are very proud to have you as a customer, and want to thank you again for your order of a 1 user license of eCopy PaperWorks with one year of support, Standard.
Product registration is a prerequisite to receive any M&S services from 5thNK and eCopy. This includes but is not limited to Product updates, service packs, upgrades and/or Technical Support.
With your computer turned on and connected to the internet and with eCopy PaperWorks open…
Click on Options>Preferences>License> Activate NEW with…
Your Software comes standard with the following Connectors…
eCopy PaperWorks Connectors FREE to download
ePW Connector Autonomy iManage Worksite - v2009.10 (upon request)
ePW Connector Documentum - v2009.10 (upon request)
ePW Connector Microsoft Sharepoint - v2009.10 (upon request)
ePW Connector OpenText eDOCS DM - v2009.10 (upon request)
Supporting Material